The love for gastronomy that Mari Carmen Sáenz Rodríguez (1949 – 2017) or Mini, as we affectionately call those of us who knew her, was born in the kitchen of her mother Aurora. He grew up among pots, sauces, familiar smells and flavors of Mexican cuisine and a strong Spanish influence, inherited from his parents.

From a young age she showed her great altruistic spirit and an innate talent as a cook, being that she was the first woman to work in the kitchen of the famous Zalacain restaurant in Madrid.

For more than 45 years, he forged a successful career in the gastronomic industry with his company Banquetes Gaxiola, which later became Concept Catering, with which he served events to renowned personalities of Mexican and foreign society, as well as hotel chains, restaurants, also participating in multiple gastronomic festivals, which earned her recognition as ambassador of Mexican cuisine in the world .

In 2010 he participated as a member of the delegation of the Conservatory of Mexican Gastronomic Culture in the ceremony of the appointment of Mexican cuisine as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in Kenya, preparing the Mexican sandwiches that were served at the cocktail of the proclamation.

Proudly took his food to the 5 continents , working in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its various embassies in the USA, Portugal, Spain, France, Sweden, Kenya, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ecuador, Honduras, Brazil, Canada, Australia, China, Cuba, Bolivia and the Czech Republic, among others. Their chairs stand out in different universities and schools such as Le Cordon Bleu in New Zealand, the Polytechnic and Hospitality Industry Training and Development Center in Hong Kong, School of Hospitality in Lisbon, the Cervantes Institute in Brasilia, the Manuel António Da Mota Foundation in Portugal , in the Unifranz University in Bolivia, the Makron Academy in Prague among others.

He served the inauguration cocktails of the exhibition “The Aztecs: Conquest and Glory” at the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao and Te Papa Tongarewa in New Zealand. He had an outstanding participation in the Iron Chef of Toronto being finalist of the competition representing Mexico and becoming the favorite of the public.

Throughout his career he also served as judge in various gastronomic contests.
He also published articles in various journals specializing in gastronomy and travel, extolling in each of the things his Mexican roots did and a deep love for his country.

Beyond the aforementioned, we will remember her for her great heart, passion, energy and dedication to her work, for her love for life and for small and big actions, being an example of altruism.

The same that took him to devote 15 years of his life to the preparation of the next book to be published: “Oaxaca, Arte y Sabor”, with the purpose of promoting gastronomy, but above all of being able to help one of the most fragile sectors of the society, the indigenous girls of Oaxaca.

Mari Carmen died in the City of Prague on September 22, 2017 proudly representing Mexico and its gastronomy, just the day she had to travel to Budapest, Hungary to continue representing and making known the Mexican cuisine around the world.

We remember her with affection, always great and with a light of her own that illuminated everything. A show of love, dedication and dedication.

Thank you Mari Carmen, “Mini”, for your beautiful example of life, rest in peace, we will never forget you.


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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.