Conservatory of the Mexican Gastronomic Culture
Consultant Organization of UNESCO

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Design and development of conservation projects

Objective: Provide the theoretical-methodological tools that allow formulating and evaluating projects related to the conservation of natural resources. Participants will recognize the elements that make up the development of conservation projects. Content · The meaning of conservation (what does it mean to conserve, what to conserve, what to conserve, how to conserve?) · What is a project and...

Sustainable management of special handling waste.

Objective: That the participants know, understand and analyze different currents and flows of waste of special handling, as well as, some techniques and specific rules for the sustainable management of this waste. Content · Introduction to Special Management Waste o Introduction to Sustainable Management of Special Handling Waste o Calculation methodologies for estimating the generation of EMR ·...

Course: Gender and Environment

objective Reflect on sustainability and gender equity as key elements for solving the problems of current societies. Specific objectives · Know the origin and content of the concept of development sustainability and its three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. · Analyze environmental problems from a gender perspective. · Introduce the participants in the use of some tools to analyze...

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.