Conservatory of the Mexican Gastronomic Culture
Consultant Organization of UNESCO

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Seed and Biological Control Workshop

Saturday, August 29, 2015 In this workshop we will learn to extract some types of seeds, to classify them and to conserve them. We will know what plants and flowers we can plant in our garden to favor the action of natural pollinators and control the presence of pests. We will plant lavender and calendula in our cultivation beds and planters. CONTENT: – Extraction and conservation of...

International Trade and Markets Symposium

objective Reflect on sustainability and gender equity as key elements for solving the problems of current societies. Specific objectives · Know the origin and content of the concept of development sustainability and its three dimensions: economic, social and environmental. · Analyze environmental problems from a gender perspective. · Introduce the participants in the use of some tools to analyze...

Launch event of the III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

– Two major themes “Mexico City: Cooking Kitchens” and “Chiles, peppers, peppers and spices” – Great Britain will be the special guest this 2015 in the III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy – Sixty traditional cooks and more than fifty agro-producers under one roof. Energizing the actions of safeguarding and promoting the gastronomic cultural heritage of...

III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

Two great themes for the debate and the Expo: “Mexico City: Cooking Kitchens” and “Chiles, peppers, peppers and spices” Energizing the actions of safeguarding and promoting the gastronomic cultural heritage of Mexico will be one of the objectives of the III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy that will take place next November in Mexico City in accordance with the plans of...

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.