Development of competences from the gastronomy of Nochistlán, Zacatecas

Competency Development Stay (EDEC)

José Francisco Román – Delegate Zacatecas CCGM

With this purpose, an event will be held on Monday, January 4, 2016, at 11 am, in the Town Hall of the Municipal Presidency of Nochistlán de Mejía, headed by Mayor C. Fernando González Sánchez, and the Secretary of the Government. , M. in C. Amparo Jáuregui Durán, as well as students, teachers and university authorities.
The formalization of the Competence Development Course (EDEC) is one of the recommendations received by the Tourism Degree Program accredited in December 2015 by the National Council for the Quality of Tourism Education A.C. (CONAET) for its good academic practices, to strengthen and systematize the multiple activities carried out by students, which will allow the full development of their knowledge and skills.
The activity is scheduled from January 3 to 23, 2016, with a minimum duration of 150 effective hours of work, in a work plan that combines the preparation of food and service in a community dining room (Municipal Dining Nochistlán), in business private (fonda, economic kitchen and restaurant) and during the festivities of Nochistlán, as well as field research on supplies, dishes, desserts, cultural traditions associated with gastronomy and its sustainable use for tourism.
To do this, the 11 students of the first generation of the Gastronomy Axis, will implement four work teams that, in addition to the usual task in the gastronomic spaces, will investigate the gastronomic heritage of this municipality and its region, with a view to integrating a memory that is useful to attract new tourist segments.
A part of the EDEC will be during the patron saint festivities of San Sebastian, which will be held from January 16 to 22, where the preparation of special dishes such as Malinche picadillo, menudo, pinole and tejuino, are the core of a tradition that combines culture, religiosity, gastronomy, art and urban and rural landscapes.
The economic kitchen “Imelda”, the inn “La Güera”, and the restaurants “Doña Chuy” and “La Palma”, generously offered to share their experience and good work in the kitchens, so that the university students know the gastronomic heritage of their land and take it to the nation and the world.

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.