Veracruz launches strategy for Biodiversity

Advances safely towards knowledge, sustainable use and conservation of its natural capital

Veracruz strengthens actions to increase knowledge, sustainable use and conservation of its biodiversity. In a joint effort, the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) and the Government of the State of Veracruz, through the Secretariat of the Environment (SEDEMA), today presented the Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Biodiversity of the State of Veracruz (ECUSBE-VER), which represents the government’s commitment to Veracruz society to protect its natural heritage.

The event held in the city of Xalapa was attended by the Constitutional Governor, Dr. Javier Duarte de Ochoa; Dr. José Sarukhán Kermez, National Coordinator of CONABIO and Eng. Víctor Joaquín Alvarado Martínez, Secretary of the Environment of the State of Veracruz.

During the presentation, Governor Duarte Ochoa instructed his entire cabinet to develop actions within the framework of the ECUSBE-See and ratified his commitment to establish a State Biodiversity Commission. The ECUSBE-VER is a public policy tool whose purpose is to guide the adequate decision-making through the prioritization of the necessary actions to achieve a balance between the use of natural heritage, conservation and the growth of the state of Veracruz, generating well being for its citizens.

The construction of this public policy instrument was based on the diagnosis published in Veracrz’s biodiversity: a state study (CONABIO2013) in which the main conservation problems of the entity’s natural capital were identified.

In addition to this information, the elaboration of the ECUSEBE-VER was enriched with four participatory planning workshops at the regional level and a public consultation. The workshops were attended by more than 190 people from different sectors of government, academia, parastatals, social organizations, producers, farmers and private initiative. In total, among the public consultation, workshops, reviews and interviews were 350 people who took part in the integration of the strategy.

The ECUSBE-VER proposes a vision to 2030 with six strategic axes: 1) Knowledge, 2) Conservation, 3) Sustainable use of biodiversity, 4) Environmental education and culture, 5) Pressure factors and threat to biodiversity and 6) Governance It also suggests 22 lines of action and 90 actions that should be implemented in the short, medium and long term.

At the end of the event an appeal was made to all institutions, groups and individuals to participate in the implementation of the ECUSBE-SEE with the collaboration and commitment that until today has been demonstrated.

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