Sustainable management of special handling waste.

That the participants know, understand and analyze different currents and flows of waste of special handling, as well as, some techniques and specific rules for the sustainable management of this waste.

· Introduction to Special Management Waste
o Introduction to Sustainable Management of Special Handling Waste
o Calculation methodologies for estimating the generation of EMR
· Analysis of RME flows and flows
o Waste from the construction sector
o Residues of agricultural activities and traces
o Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
o Waste from the Services, Commercial, Industrial and Hospital Non-Hazardous sectors
o Waste from the mining and metallurgy sector
· Management tools and impact analysis
o Management Plans for Special Handling Waste
o Life Cycle Analysis applied to RME

Cost: $ 3,000.00 public in general
Discounts for students (UNAM and external), teachers, staff and alumni UNAM.

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