Course: Gender and Environment

Reflect on sustainability and gender equity as key elements for solving the problems of current societies.

Specific objectives
· Know the origin and content of the concept of development sustainability and its three dimensions: economic, social and environmental.
· Analyze environmental problems from a gender perspective.
· Introduce the participants in the use of some tools to analyze reality from a gender perspective.
· Identify some strategies to integrate environmental sustainability and gender equity in the personal, professional and collective life of the participants.
· The problems of development and sustainability.
· Gender as a vision of reality
· Gender and environment: connections
· The problems of gender and the environment and public policies
· The legal and institutional framework in the articulation of gender and the environment
· Tools for the analysis of gender and the environment in our activities
· Our commitments to sustainability and gender

Cost: $ 2,000 general public
Discounts for students (UNAM and external), teachers, staff and alumni UNAM.

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