Biodiversity, innovation and business

Mexico, D.F.- Mexico has one of the markets for natural products with the greatest potential for growth in the world: let’s make it sustainable. The German Cooperation for Development (GIZ), the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), within the framework of the “Biodiversity Governance Project: fair participation and equitable benefits derived from the use and management of biological diversity “and in collaboration with the Union for Ethical BioTrade (UEBT), organize the conference: BIODIVERSITY, INNOVATION AND BUSINESS: Opportunities and New Rules for the Private Sector. The event is open to the public and will take place on November 17, 2015 in Mexico City. Online registration:

The project “Governance of Biodiversity” is the result of cooperation between Mexico and Germany, nations that have joined efforts to strengthen the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in our country. This relationship arises in a global and local context with diverse pressures that have an increasingly negative impact on biodiversity, threatening it as an important driver of the economy and damaging competitiveness. However, several successful cases have shown that it is possible to take advantage of the potential of nature by strengthening the communities that are owners and custodians of the resources and promoting and optimizing the conservation of the latter.

With the purpose of sensitizing the private sector on the relevance of knowing and taking care of biodiversity, as well as linking it with other actors related to this issue, the conference: BIODIVERSITY, INNOVATION AND BUSINESS: Opportunities and New Rules for the Private Sector, is directed to companies that at some stage of their production process use biodiversity as a raw material.

The conference is divided into four areas: 1) Biodiversity as a foundation for sustainable development, a section where the national and international context will be provided. 2) Biodiversity as a factor of competitiveness: an opportunity for the private sector, where the relevance of biodiversity for companies will be defined and experiences will be shared. 3) Markets and biodiversity: the construction of responsible consumers, space to discuss the implications for the private sector of the importance of making consumers aware of the care and conservation of biodiversity. 4) Nature as an engine of innovation: ideas and raw materials of biodiversity, with the purpose of highlighting the importance of biodiversity in innovation and provisioning. The event seeks to build a space for dialogue and exchange of experiences between the governmental, academic, private and social sectors, which helps to understand and adopt practices of responsible use and distribution of benefits derived from the sustainable use of nature.

The conference BIODIVERSITY, INNOVATION AND BUSINESS: Opportunities and New Rules for the Private Sector, becomes relevant in a context where respect for biodiversity is a decision factor among Mexican and global consumers when choosing between different products for their acquisition. Attend the event! Tuesday November 17, 2015, Hotel W, Mexico City – Polanco, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Limited availability. Online registration through the site


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