III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy

Two great themes for the debate and the Expo:
“Mexico City: Cooking Kitchens” and “Chiles, peppers, peppers and spices”

Energizing the actions of safeguarding and promoting the gastronomic cultural heritage of Mexico will be one of the objectives of the III World Forum of Mexican Gastronomy that will take place next November in Mexico City in accordance with the plans of the Conservatory of Gastronomic Culture Mexican

The Forum constitutes the space in which all the actors and factors that intervene in the culinary culture and the food system of the country converge and, at the same time, its realization results from the collaboration between the Conservatory itself with dependencies of the Federal Government, the Government of Mexico City, academic institutions and companies related to the world of gastronomy.

This third Forum will see the protagonism of Mexico City, with its historical center, its neighborhoods and splendid spaces, such as that occupied by the CENART and the Churubusco Studies. In all those places the kitchen will reign as the main point of attention and the appetite of the assiduous lovers of Mexican cuisine in all its expressions.

The III Forum will bring together experts, chefs, students, teachers and food producers from the national and international levels to talk about “Mexico City: Cooking Kitchens”, as well as about another issue that has moved and continues to move the world and that has to do with “Chiles, peppers, peppers and spices.” It will also discuss issues such as the transmission of knowledge, health and gastronomic tourism and everything that contributes to the protection of the gastronomic heritage of Mexicans.

The presentation will take place on July 23 of this year at the Jaime Torres Bodet Auditorium, of the Museum of Anthropology of Mexico City, at 6:00 p.m. On that occasion, the program of activities of this annual event will be announced, which allows continuity to the action plan derived from the recognition of traditional Mexican cuisine as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

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El Conservatorio de la Cultura Gastronómica Mexicana es una organización civil que tiene como fin esencial la preservación, rescate, salvaguardia y promoción de usos, costumbres, productos, practicas culturales y saberes que constituyen el tronco común que define a la cocina tradicional mexicana.